June 22, 2022 Stem Cell Registry - Day 50!

Hey all, its been awhile since I have updated the blog. Hopefully it will live up to Mike's story telling but that is just a pipe dream.  Today is Day 50!  Half way until I should be able to go home but first, I'm looking forward to be released which should be coming shortly.  What I wanted to focus on for this blog is the ultimate Act Of Kindness, DONATION OF STEM CELLS.

Most bone marrow/stem cell donors will come from "strangers".   A stranger had graciously offered to donate their stem cells for me.  Someone that they have never met, someone who they will probably never know.  This is the ultimate act of unselfishness and kindness.  (Refer back to The Process blog if you need a refresh on those details)

During conversations, I heard that many of the matched unrelated donors come from Germany.  It was said that all citizens that qualify to join the registry must do so.  I could not find anything to support this so if that is not the case, it is more amazing that they have such a high registration rate.  I would love to see this also be the case for Canada, so please if there is anyone that you know that is a potential donor, please have them join the registry so they might also save a life someday.

If you are interested in becoming one of those strangers, the process is very simple.  Go to the Canadian Blood Services Stem Cell registry and fill out the questionnaire.  You must be between 17 and 35, in good health, etc.  Once you register, they will send you a mouth swab.  Once you are added to the registry, you will remain on the registry until your 60th birthday.  Joining does not commit you to donating but it gives someone a fighting chance of life.  You can donate twice in your life time.  If you have more questions, there is also a FAQ on Canadian Blood Services website.

Slipping in a picture of our cranes and the wig I was trying on.  Move over Vana!


  1. Hot Momma!!! Yep yep yep you are so gorgeous!!! πŸ˜ƒWith that backdrop of cranes to highlight the flight of so many great ones involved. I will most definitely pass on the information. We are just so grateful for all the humans in the forefront and the backdrop - who make it all possible (the list is just so extensive I know it is not all inclusive of those to recognize but to highlight just a few from the person who does the fight, donors, scientists, doctors, oncologists, lab techs, nurses, families, neighbours, citizens who donate money to research and prevention and on and on! ) ♥️ We send so much LOVE to all of you and those who make the second chance of life possible. With such a grateful heart and a smile 😊 ❤️CM

    1. Oh my 50 never looked so good Jackie! I am so glad. Thank you for passing on the info for donating. It is sad though that it is caped at age 35. Take care of you. So very happy to see that amazing smile.

    2. You look beautiful sweetheart 😍this is aunty Betty. Keep fighting!😘

  2. It's so fantastic to "hear" from you and see your smiling face! Keeping you all in our hearts!

  3. I've been priming my kids with talks about the importance of blood, plasma, stem cell, and organ donation. They seem receptive and I'll keep on doing this until they are of an age where they can donate (coming quickly!).
    I'm very excited for you and your hopefully quickly approaching jailbreak.

  4. Jackie you look amazing! Love your hair! Stunning! See you soon!

  5. You look amazing!!! Too bad my marrow is too old, I would create even more problems with my old worn out stem cells!
    Keep being a warrior and fighter that you are! Great to see your smile❤️

  6. Oops prev msg was from Lydia

  7. You are looking great!!! Auntie Marg

  8. Looking radiant my friend, so beautiful, with that beautiful smile πŸ’œ So many hugs and so much love your way πŸ₯° And I love the due! Deb

  9. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•. You are sooooo beautiful πŸ€—

  10. Looking as beautiful as ever! πŸ’•

  11. Looking fabulous & look forward to seeing you in person! Cheers!

  12. You look amazing Jackie! - You are so inspiring!


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